Portrait of a Graduate
Student Development Targets
It is a joy to partner with parents to shape the minds and hearts of our students. We realize that is impossible for each of our graduates, or students who transfer from another school, to fully attain all of the outcomes listed below. We view these outcomes as targets for which we aim. Each student is a work in progress, and we believe it is a privilege to be a part of that work.
Understand and commit to a personal relationship with Christ and pursue ongoing spiritual development.​
Comprehend the meaning of and devote oneself to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Understand the Gospel, the plan of salvation, and how to present that to others.
Recognize the importance of and practices of spiritual disciplines (i.e. Bible study & prayer) and pursue ongoing spiritual maturity through dependence upon the Holy Spirit and involvement in a local church. ​​
2. Understand and articulate a Biblical worldview and operate from that perspective in the world.
Develop, articulate, and respectfully defend a Biblical worldview.
Demonstrate application and relevance of a Biblical worldview in daily decision making.
Articulate differences between Christianity and other worldviews.
​ 3. Be prepared for the next stage of academic pursuit and commit to growing intellectually, spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Demonstrate academic competence which is required to fulfill next level academic goals.
Pursue ongoing learning as it relates to future careers.
Think creatively and critically and while applying knowledge to solve real world problems.
Utilize technology responsibly and effectively.
Apply knowledge gained in both academic and extracurricular areas to make healthy choices affecting lifestyle.
4. Develop moral integrity, demonstrated by righteous living and stewardship.
Live according to Biblical standards in personal relationships.
Wisely steward the use of personal, financial, and natural resources.
Exhibit responsible citizenship in the local community and the world.
Use personal gifts, calling, and talents to disciple others and glorify God.
5. Respect others and be a servant leader who knows and applies spiritual giftedness.
Respect individual differences, appreciate different cultures, and is able to work effectively in groups.
Explain how every person is created in God's image, and as a result, values and respects all life.
Articulate the Biblical mandate for service and missions, including responsibility to the poor and lost.
Value and apply learning and knowledge to identify and enhance personal talents and giftedness in order to serve others.
Participate in service experiences with an attitude of joy and humility.
Use personal strengths within the body of Christ as well as within secular careers, occupations, experiences, etc., to lead others to Christ.
Upon leaving WCA, it is our vision that each student will. . .